My name is David Bourne – Head of PE at Aldworth Science College in Basingstoke.
I have observed and taken part in numerous sessions from the two of the instructors Bryan and Lindsey. Whilst in one of the sessions I was introduced to COMBAT GROOVE. I was so impressed with the class and content that I asked Bryan and Lindsey to come and teach the students at Aldworth Science College.
They taught five week blocks of one hour sessions to all our year 8 students, over a 4 month period. Combat Groove was taught and this formed the students Dance module of the curriculum they follow in PE.
I chose them because the Combat Groove was different, exciting, caters for mixed gender and single sex, the instructors were experienced at working with students of varying abilities and special needs and the instructors were very professional and knowledgeable and enthusiastic and the status of being attached to a club with instructors who had competed at such a high level in their sport. The sessions it was also hoped would get disengaged and demotivated students to enjoy and participate in Dance via the Combat Groove.
The response of the students has been excellent with all students enjoying the lessons and taking part in all lessons with students who would not normally participate also bringing kit in and trying the routines and extensive equipment available within the lessons.
We have been so impressed with the standard of the lessons that we will be inviting the guys back next academic year to teach our students again and would thoroughly recommend them to all schools both secondary and primary.