We are all afraid of something at times. Anyone who tells you that they’ve never been afraid is lying. For some people it’s Spiders (Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia) or Clowns (Coulrophobia) or Heights (Hypsiphobia) or Flying (Pteromerhanophobia) or...
Question C: The question is: When someone is in the middle of a match and they are losing, what do they think and do to encourage themselves to win? What this question tells me: I believe that the question tells me to fight, be outstanding to impress other clubs. It...
Fear as described in the dictionary is: An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat, but what does it actually do when we feel it? The brain structure that is the center of most neurobiological...
Question A: The first question I will answer is: When we practise a martial art, sometimes things go really well and sometimes they don’t go well at all. How do you encourage someone when things aren’t going so well? First of all I will explain how it feels like when...
Doing martial arts is difficult sometimes and you can end up doing something that is hard and scary for you but eventually you have to do it and over come it. Like for me, my fear is being thrown to the ground in Judo and sometimes getting hurt. But I have ways to...
Black Belt Grading Project 2013 Bob Wilson My grading project comprises the challenging issues of Fear, Anxiety, Adrenalin, Self Consciousness and Choking which are all part of Martial Arts training. In order to bring the topic to life and to ensure that what I write...