Black Belt, Karate in Basingstoke, Martial Arts Black BeltWHAT IS A BLACK BELT?

By Harry Cronk age 10                 June 2011 

A black belt is someone who has good…

  • Stamina
  • Someone who is sensible
  • Someone who concentrates 
  • Brave
  • Has good confidence and memory
  • Determination
  • Good listener
  • Has good knowledge about karate
  • Shows a high level of skill in kata and kumite
  • Has good commitment
  • Strength

A black belt is also called a shodan there are 10 Dan grades from 1st degree black belt, to 10th degree black belt

I have worked really hard and trained hard in karate. My stamina has improved since I have started martial arts, and I have always wanted to be a black belt.

A black belt is not the end, it is just the beginning!


In our Martial Arts Academy when someone attempts their Black Belt grading, they also have to do a public talk in front of their peers and their parents. These are the notes for one of Harry’s presentations at his Black Belt grading. After conducting a correct and safe warm up followed by stretching techniques, he demonstrated the correct use of his fundamental techniques. This was followed by 25 sparring matches including both Karate and Judo (including matches against his coaches) finally he demonstrated 12 forms and kata. Harry successfully passed his Black Belt on 11th June 2011.

Junior Black Belt award, Martial Artist in Basingstoke gets Black Belt.