Basingstoke Karate Blog

Photo of three ladies with medals


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Black Belt Grading – Congratulations

Black Belt Grading – Congratulations

On the weekend of 2nd December we held our biggest grading of the year in Basingstoke. We had students from Karate, Ju Jitsu and Judo all grading. Of which Seven of them were being examined for their Black Belt. The weekend started with the younger...

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Promotion to 6th Dan

On Friday 17th February I was awarded my 6th Dan in Karate from Steve Rowe Sensei/Sifu 9th Dan, head of Shi Kon Martial Arts. Quite a few people have asked me what is involved in a Black Belt grading involved and whether it was simply a time served...

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Gradings December 2016

Gradings December 2016

Traditionally December is our biggest grading of the year and the one that prompts the most nerves as it is also the time for our annual Black Belt gradings. During the course of December we ran three Judo gradings (one at the club and two in...

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Black Belt Gradings December 2014

Black Belt Gradings December 2014

We've just finished our last grading of the year with a successful weekend of Karate and Judo gradings. This December grading was also our only Black Belt grading for the year, so the pressure was on for several candidates.We don't pass people for...

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Black Belt Gradings 2013

Black Belt Gradings 2013

As Martial Artists, we should all seek to constantly challenge ourselves to test our knowledge and skills every time we train. As Gichin Funakoshi (who is credited with introducing Karate to Japan) said “Karate is like warm water. If you don't heat...

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Basingstoke Black Belt Grading

Our Martial Arts School based in Basingstoke held a grading on Saturday 8th December with members attending from both our Alton and Basingstoke classes. The grading itself was split into four different groups dependent upon age and ability. This...

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What is a Black Belt

What is a Black Belt

WHAT IS A BLACK BELT? By Harry Cronk age 10                 June 2011  A black belt is someone who has good... Stamina Someone who is sensible Someone who concentrates  Brave Has good confidence and memory Determination Good listener Has good...

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