After a decade of teaching Martial Arts in Basingstoke and nearly 40 years of learning and teaching several Martial Arts, my experiences is that we all reach plateaus in our training. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a hard combative martial...
Martial Arts skills
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Does experience matter?
Does experience matter? From time to time that old chestnut pops up on the internet about people who are n’t Black belts teaching Martial Arts and whether this is an acceptable approach or not. The main thrust of the two arguments are:- You don’t...
Women can’t learn a Martial Art! Can they?
The Martial Arts are primarily feminine. Many would think this a strange statement until they start to look a bit deeper. By nature men are linked to the sun (yang) and women to the moon (yin). Women have a 28 day biorhythmic cycle and their...
Repetition in the Martial Arts, why do we do it.
One of the primary methods for learning a martial art is repetition. Although our job as coaches is to make classes varied and interesting for the students, it is important that we constantly repeat particular actions, movements and sequences over...
Connect your feet to your hands
On the wall in our martial arts centre in Basingstoke facing the students when they train is a list of 8 words, these 8 words represent the 8 principles that we need to fully understand to make our Martial Arts work. The first of these words is...
Sensei, can I ask a question?
“Any questions?” A sea of blank faces look back. “Did you understand the principles taught?” Did I almost see a nod from one person? The Martial Arts is a funny old game. We are told that it is traditionally taught by blind acceptance/faith. The...
I have a dream
I have a dream.... That one day Martial Arts will not be thought of as ‘separate’ Martial Arts, that the politics of structures like Karate, Ju Jitsu, Kung Fu, Taekwondo and Aikido are consigned to history – that Martial Arts will retain it’s...
Basingstoke Judo Club celebrates success
At our Judo club in Basingstoke, we encourage members to seek new challenges to develop their skills. This is exactly what one of our members, Gavin Downey, did when he entered the British Judo Association's British Open Judo Champions in Scotland...
Taming my Tiger
Taming my tiger – writing my story Taming my tiger – writing my story by Ian Rand Since starting training on the Complete Self Protection Masterclass I have been inspired. Not only by the brilliantly skilled instructors, Al Peasland and Mick Tully,...
Sensitivity In The Hands
“Sifu, in my mate’s class they learn to harden and desensitise their arms by bashing them together with the blocking movements, why don’t we do that?” Rod had lots of martial arts ‘mates’ who trained at different clubs and they would get together...
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