Basingstoke Sports Awards, Local Sports Council, Sportswoman of the Year, Coach of the Year, Basingstoke and Deane, Basingstoke Sports Council, Kevin Laing,Congratulations to the Shin Gi Tai Coaching Team at Basingstoke and Deane’s 2012 Sports Awards.

Our borough is fortunate to have a very strong sporting community, which is often demonstrated in competition.  The borough council, Local Sports Council and Basingstoke Sports Trust all play a big part in recognising and supporting this at the annual Sports Awards.
The annual Sports Awards are coordinated by the Local Sports Council and are hosted by the Apollo Hotel.  The awards ceremony celebrates the achievements of clubs, teams, coaches, officials and individuals involved in sport locally


Chief Instructor and Senior Coach Bryan Andrews, was nominated for and won Basingstoke and Deane’s Professional Sports Coach of the Year 2012 title.

Katherine White was nominated for and won Basingstoke and Deane’s Voluntary Sports Coach of the Year 2012 title.

Lindsey Andrews was nominated and came 3rd in the Ladies Veteran 2012 category. The winner of this event was Powerlifter Jean Maton.


Well done also to club members Isabel, Edward, Spardha, Harry and Gavin who were also nominated for various categories in the Adults and Junior sections and have been invited to the mayors reception next week.


Thanks to Kevin Laing and Sue Hillyard from the Local Sports Council for their hardwork in managing the Sports Awards and also for Amy Sambell and Sue Parker from Basingstoke and Deane Council for all their support.