As of 11:30 on Monday 21st January, all classes are back to normal. If we get major snow later or tomorrow, then we will update both our website and also our Facebook page with...
Self Defence
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New Year’s Resolution – Get Fit. (Self Defence 101)
Here we go again. It's time for people to start their annual fitness regime with all the best intentions in the world. You can just hear it can't you......"Well it's a new Year and I'm going to get fit and lose weight." So what will it be...

Is there more to training in a Martial Art than fighting? (Self Defence 101)
At our Martial Arts school in Basingstoke we talk about developing the student ‘holistically’ or developing the ‘whole person’ rather than 'teaching people how to fight.' What does this mean? Some schools say that the sole purpose of training in...

Distance against a Knife (Self Defence 101)
So you know Karate right! Hey you're safe then, all those hours, weeks, months and years of practising against a partner means you can block and take away the attackers knife. You're invincible, you're a superhero, you might even be a Shaolin...
Kata doesn’t work in a fight!
Peace is earned, if your mind and emotions are weak, you are more likely to cause violence or respond negatively to it. People that have to respond to violence on a regular basis such as police officers and security personnel are taught to remain...
Taster Session
To book your FREE taster session get in touch with us.