Talking about work and education
Following on from my previous update on communication skills in other sports, in this update, I will be looking at how these same skills are transferable into work and education. However as a student with little experience of work I will focus mainly on communication in education.
When I was looking at the methods we use to learn martial arts, I identified different types of learners:
- Auditory (like things explained)
- Visual (prefer to what demonstrations)
- Kinaesthetic (prefer to learn through doing)
In schools, when a teacher is teaching a lesson, they too have to engage each different type of learner, so that they gain the best from what they are being taught. For example in science; we often learn about an experiment or theory theoretically through book work, and then so everyone fully understands we actually do they experiment or practical to put what we have learned into practice. This is especially useful for learning for exams. By using a combination of all three methods, we are more likely to remember whatever it is for the exam. I can justify this be saying it does work, after passing all of my science exams, it must of worked.
When practicing a technique in martial arts with a partner, we give feedback. This is where we tell them what is wrong and how they can improve. This can be adapted for education. Teachers and fellow students who mark your work are told to give a comment of what is good and provide constructive criticism and then suggest ways for them to improve their work. As in martial arts it’s the teachers duty to point out mistakes at remind everyone how to do/perform something properly.
In education we are set homework where we study something at home. This is important as it helps to consolidate the information we learn in class and makes sure we can apply it and
remember it. I feel independent study in martial arts is important to for the same reasons. If you’re like me and have to study for exams and other elements of education you often forget katas and forms so home practice is essential so we don’t forget them and also it help to improve the way we do them.
If teaching, it can be very easy to create misunderstanding amongst students. I find if a teacher at school isn’t being clear with what they are saying; it can often become difficult to pick up
what they are teaching. Thankfully, as our martial arts teachers do, they check to see if they are being clear and if we do understand. An example of a lesson very similar to martial arts is PE (Physical Education). PE can be taught outside or inside and expands a wide range of sports and therefore a wider range of techniques. When teaching outside, it will be harder for students to hear you – due to background noise – so you have to use both non visual and visual techniques. This allows the teacher to try to reduce confusion for the students being taught.
When visiting The AA for my work experience in the summer, I became a member of a small team. Despite my lack of experience at work, I could see that when working in a team communication was essential to the team solving their problems they were tasked to do so. Due to the variety of different people in a working environment, everyone’s opinion and views have to be taken into account and shared effectively with others. This means the leader, much like a teacher has to communicate in a way that suits each individual. Another skill transferable between martial arts and work is giving good feedback. Praise allows a business’s employees to feel important and work better with their team.