Shin Gi Tai Martial Arts Academy has been nominated for the prestigious UK Coaching awards and has reached the final of the Coaching Culture Organisation of the Year along with British Canoeing and The Youth Sport Trust. It’s a great achievement reaching the final alongside two national organisations.

UK Coaching is responsible for setting standards of coaching across all sports; helping providers and coaches to understand the responsibilities of a coach and deliver sustainable coach education developing the coaching skills necessary to deliver high quality sport within the UK. Great coaching helps to enthuse people to be more active, more frequently. Evidence shows that are wider benefits involved, including mental and physical wellbeing plus economic, personal and social development.

Kung Fu, Chinese Martial Arts, Tai ChiThe prestigious UK Coaching awards celebrate great coaching from individuals and organisations across the United Kingdom. With hundreds of nominations from across the UK, Shin Gi Tai Martial Arts Academy are delighted to have reached the final along with 36 other coaches or organisations.


As a club Shin Gi Tai Martial Arts Academy teach a wide range of Martial Arts and a key part of doing this successfully is having coaches of sufficient calibre to lead classes and develop members. The club has put in place an internal training programme that helps to develop coaches from an early age and supports them though qualifications with national governing bodies such as The British Judo Association, United Kingdom Coaching Certificate and The British Chinese Council for Martial Arts. Internationally recognised academic qualifications are accessible through links with Sheffield Hallam University. During the past year the club has gained three Level one coaches, one British Judo Association Level two coach, two x British Chinese Council for Martial Arts Level two coaches and a Level seven coach. The club carries out outreach work with other clubs around the country to help develop coaching skills and gain coaching qualifications, in 2018, this equated to over 30 national coaches.

Head Coach of the club, Bryan Andrews commented. “Our success as a club is down to professional standards and ongoing professional development in coaching at all levels. Our focus on athlete centric coaching creates an atmosphere which engages members in their own learning and challenges them to perform to the best of their potential. It is a great honour to be nominated for the UK Coaching awards and to reach the final. It is good to receive external verification that our coaching programmes are working so well.”

In 2019 Shin Gi Tai will continue its programme of coach development and already has plans for members to gain additional qualifications in the Martial Arts with the support of it’s parent body Shi Kon International.